Toledo New Bath Can Give The Look You Want!
Walk In Showers
What is a walk in the shower? Why would I want a walk-in or step-in shower? Should I convert my existing bathtub to a walk-in shower? What if I only have one bathroom? Are they expensive? How long does it take to convert my bathtub to a walk-in shower? Do I use a shower rod or install shower doors? Are they popular in today’s homes? What is the lead time from the moment I sign a contract at Toledo New Bath until the time of completion? All are very good questions and all questions we get every day.
A walk-in or step-in shower, also known as a bath conversion, is where we take out your existing bathtub or shower and replace it with an acrylic shower base and walls. Typically, the shower threshold is reduced to enable the homeowner easy access to the shower. For convenience shower caddies, portable mobile shower heads, acrylic seats, safety bars, shower rods, and towel bars can be added. The walk-in shower can be customized to your personal preference. It’s available in many colors and design patterns. We like to say it’s like purchasing a custom fit suit as opposed to one “off the rack.” If you are having difficulties getting in and out of your bathtub, for whatever reason, you might want to consider a walk-in shower or step-in shower. Sometimes referred to in the industry as a conversion.
In our opinion, if you only have one bathroom and you are located in a mature neighborhood, a conversion will enhance the value of your home. Conversely, if your home is located in a heavily child-populated neighborhood, it could perhaps hurt the value of your home. We’ve found parents of smaller children prefer having a bathtub in their home. If you own a home with two or more bathrooms a conversion, it should have very little impact on the value of your home.
Conversions are our most popular, approximately 50% of Toledo New Bath’s businesses are conversions. We specialize in walk-in showers. We have completed approximately 1,000 conversions over the past 10+ years. Prices on walk-in showers vary quite a bit based upon color, pattern, and accessories, but our conversions start at approximately $6,500 and up from there. The time frame to complete a step-in shower or walk-in shower can be completed in as little as one day, although from an honest point of view, it typically takes two days from start until completion. A question we often get is: Do I use a shower rod or install shower doors? That’s a personal preference, both have benefits and drawbacks. It’s a question, along with your accessories, to be posed to your Toledo New Bath Elite’s sales consultant. He or she has seen numerous bathrooms and can assist you in making wise choices.
Conversions have become very popular in society today. Numerous hotel chains have begun to only install conversions in their rooms. It’s a growing trend!
Good news! Toledo New Bath is back to pre-pandemic lead and waits times. It’s been a struggle getting products and laborers, but we have gotten excellent support from our suppliers and have been fortunate to hire some installers with significant construction and bathroom installation experience. Currently, we are installing and completing contracts at approximately 10 weeks. That is the shortest lead time in the construction industry. We would love to give you a free consultation! Please call or email today!
Toledo's #1 Bathroom Remodeler with Certified Senior Home Safety Specialists
We Are Here To Make Your Bathroom Safer
We joined with Age Safe America to certify our employees in the importance of senior home safety, fall prevention and bathroom modifications. So you can always feel safe, secure and independent while in the comfort of your own home.
Our senior safety specialists can help you choose which bathroom safety features best suit your needs, so you can safely and happily live in your home longer.

Reynolds Road Showroom
- 2503 North Reynolds Rd
- Toledo, Ohio 43615
- 419-389-9950

Bennett Road Showroom
- 4519 Bennett Road
- Toledo, Ohio 43612
- 419-470-8821